Asheville Collaborative Divorce Lawyers

When you make the final decision to get divorced from your spouse, it may seem like an overwhelming process. Getting divorced requires lengthy decision-making on details such as dividing assets, negotiating alimony, and deciding on child custody and support. If your spouse can’t come to an agreement with you about certain issues, it can be time-consuming, stressful, and daunting.

A better alternative to a traditional divorce is a collaborative divorce. In North Carolina, this is made an option to those seeking to avoid court and negotiate the terms of your divorce with the skilled guidance of an experienced collaborative divorce family lawyer. We can help thoughtfully navigate the legal complexities of divorce while settling on the terms you require.

What Is Collaborative Divorce in Asheville, NC?

A collaborative divorce allows divorcing couples to take the process out of the courtroom and to handle matters of the terms of their split privately. You and your spouse are accompanied by experienced collaborative divorce attorneys to compromise and resolve the terms of your spit. 

Collaborative divorce is dependent upon the spouse’s effort to make it effective and commit to the process. Before the process begins, both spouses must agree to certain guidelines and sign an agreement to avoid a battle in court. All settlements decided upon in the collaborative divorce process are legally binding and final.

Why Have a Collaborative Divorce?

Divorces can be challenging, especially if your spouse does not agree on the terms of the separation. Contested divorces can be emotionally draining and daunting, take more time to resolve, and can be costly. Choosing to pursue a collaborative divorce can mitigate negative emotions, be more cost-effective, and reduce the stress associated with divorce. 

Benefits of seeking a collaborative divorce include: 

  • You and your spouse control all decisions and terms 
  • Negotiations are private 
  • It is less time consuming than a traditional divorce 
  • It is less expensive than traditional divorce 
  • Decisions settled upon are legally binding 
  • Both parties agree to commit to the process 
  • The process enables positive and productive discussions 
  • It is less stressful for all parties involved

Collaborative divorce can be an option for divorcing couples who can agree to commit to the process. If you are uncertain whether a collaborative divorce is right for your unique circumstance, speak with a knowledgeable Asheville collaborative divorce family lawyer for guidance surrounding your case.

What Happens If We Can’t Agree on Collaborative Divorce Terms?

When you start the collaborative divorce process, you and your spouse agree to commit fully to the process and resolve your divorce privately without needing to go to court. Sometimes, despite your best effort, this may not work out. If you and your spouse can’t wholly agree on the terms of your divorce, or if you feel that your spouse has been underhanded during the process, you have the option of filing a petition with a North Carolina court.

Even though you have this option, it is important to note that your collaborative divorce lawyer must withdraw from your case. This means that you will have to find new legal representation and begin the process again. Sticking to the collaborative divorce process is essential if you want to resolve your divorce amicably and promptly.

Speak with an Asheville Collaborative Divorce Lawyer at King Law 

While the process of divorce may seem daunting, collaborative divorce is an effective and cost-efficient option that can help you resolve issues promptly. If you and your spouse are open to committing to the process of a collaborative divorce, speak with an experienced Asheville collaborative divorce lawyer at King Law

The legal team at King Law Offices is diligent and creative in working with divorcing couples that want to resolve the terms of their divorce amicably, privately, and productively. We know how challenging divorce can be and work with you to resolve issues before they arise. Speak with a skilled collaborative divorce attorney at (888) 748-5465 (KING) or fill out our contact form for a consultation.
