Explore Medicare’s Hospice Benefit, a vital resource that remains underutilized. Understand its importance in delivering compassionate care for terminally ill patients.
Medicaid & Long-Term Care Planning
What Is the Difference Between Palliative and Hospice Care?
Palliative care and hospice care can provide comfort to seriously ill patients and patients who have received a prognosis of imminent death. Each type of care is intended to improve the quality of life among patients who receive it. Many people use the terms hospice care and palliative care interchangeably, but there are important distinctions.
End-of-Life Care Decision Making
Just as we create estate plans for our eventual demise, we also need to plan ahead for the possibility that we will become sick and unable to make our own medical decisions.
Medicare Part A and B Costs to Rise Again in 2025
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued the 2025 figures for Medicare. As in 2024, these health care costs are going up across the board.
Medicaid Applicants: Protecting Your Healthy Spouse in 2025
Each year, the feds issues updated guidelines outlining how much of a couple’s assets a healthy spouse can keep while their Medicaid spouse gets the long-term care support they need.
Your Social Security Benefits for 2025: COLA Update
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has officially released its annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) figures for 2025.
What is an Advance Directive for Health Care?
The worst-case scenario has happened: you or a loved one has fallen ill or had an incident leaving another person in charge of making medical care decisions.
Britney Spears Case Puts Renewed Focus on Guardianships
Britney Spears’s struggle to regain control over her business and personal life shines a spotlight on legal guardianship and alternatives that involve less loss of control over one’s life.
The Ins and Outs of Guardianship and Conservatorship
Every adult is assumed to be capable of making their own decisions unless a court determines otherwise. If an adult becomes incapable of making responsible decisions, the court will appoint a substitute.