King Law | Asheville Divorce Mediation Lawyers

Asheville Divorce Mediation Lawyers

Divorce mediation is one of the most convenient and effective ways to resolve the financial details of your case if you are going through a divorce in Asheville, NC. Divorce mediation is the process of meeting with your spouse and mediator in a courthouse or office to settle certain portions of a divorce case. The most frequent topics of discussion include child custody, equitable distribution, and child support or alimony payments.

If you need a divorce mediation attorney for your Asheville, NC, divorce case, speak with an experienced North Carolina lawyer at King Law for an assessment of your case. They will help you navigate through the complexities of divorce mediation.

What Is the Objective of Divorce Mediation?

When you are going through a divorce, you may have significant conflicts that arise in your case. Despite this, divorcing couples can find thoughtful resolutions in disputes with the help of an experienced family law mediator. 

Mediation is a form of conflict resolution with the help of an objective third party that works to help find areas of mutual agreement. The goal is to help divorcing couples come to terms with how they will handle important matters after their marriage comes to an end. Mediation is effective and beneficial to avoid stress, wasted time, and wasted expenses in the litigation of significant issues. These issues may include: 

  • Division of debts 
  • Payment of child support
  • Payment of alimony 
  • Child custody 
  • Child visitation
  • Distribution of marital assets
  • Payment of alimony 

The objective of the mediator is to facilitate negotiations between parties who would likely have difficulty working through conflicts on their own. A family law mediator listens carefully to your concerns and to those of your spouse, then guides the discussion towards a constructive resolution for both parties. They are highly skilled in identifying the most important points of contention and focusing the discussion on resolving those conflicts and on moving past them.

Why Hiring a Divorce Mediation Lawyer Is Beneficial

Reaching agreements on easily resolved issues allows divorcing couples to move on to more difficult issues that may take some time to discuss. The advantages of working with an Asheville divorce mediator are that they will help you clear up complicated misunderstandings and find ways to compromise. 

There are various benefits to working with a family law mediator, including: 

  • Couples can take an active role in making decisions for their future post-divorce, rather than a judge imposing a decision.
  • Couples have an opportunity to set a schedule. 
  • A mediator offers an objective, third-party perspective.
  • Mediations offer privacy, whereas the courtroom does not. 
  • Child custody mediations allow for parents to decide what is best for their child rather than a judge. 
  • Mediations are less costly than court litigation. 
  • Couples are more likely to follow the terms of the settlement because they play an active role in decision-making and compromise. 
  • Mediation settlements can be legally binding if signed by all parties. 

When it comes to issues that are more complex to navigate, a mediator can offer an objective assessment of your positions and how your positions will play out the best. A skilled family law mediator is knowledgeable in the North Carolina legal system and can navigate any complications to achieve the best result for you.

When Is Divorce Mediation Not Appropriate?

There are a few cases where divorce mediation is not appropriate for divorcing couples. In instances of sexual and domestic abuse, or if one of the spouses is a drug addict, alcoholic, or has significant mental health issues, mediation would not be effective. 

If you are uncertain whether or not mediation is right for you, contact a skilled family law mediation lawyer for an assessment of your case. A knowledgeable lawyer will provide you with legal counsel on the best options to move forward.

Speak with an Asheville Divorce Mediation Lawyer at King Law 

At King Law, we understand the complexities that come with divorce. For a chance to resolve divorce issues in a cost-effective, efficient, and stress-free way, speak to one of our knowledgeable family law mediation lawyers to determine if this process is right for your unique case. 

King Law Offices offers outstanding representation with a team of professionals who work compassionately and creatively to find appropriate solutions for clients in their divorce mediations. If you need more information on divorce mediation in Asheville, contact our skilled lawyers today at (888) 748-5464 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.
