The holiday season is a time for joy, family, and celebration. However, for parents who are divorced or separated, it can also bring stress and challenges.
Child Custody
Holiday Gifts and Custody: Who Gets What?
The holidays are a special time of year for families to come together, share love, and exchange gifts. But if you’re going through a divorce or have a custody agreement in place
Child Custody Modification in Tennessee
In Tennessee, when making a child custody determination, the most important concern is the best interest of the child. This concern is what guides the court to its decision when a custody matter is before it.
What to Do If Your Ex Refuses to Follow the Holiday Custody Schedule
Holiday Custody and Gifts: Who Gets What?
How to Co-Parent Successfully During the Holidays
Are Parents Obligated to Account for What Child Support is Used for?
Child support exists to make sure both parents provide adequate financial support to their children, irrespective of how they perceive one another.
Communicating Honestly About Divorce with Children
Although fewer Americans are having children today, the National Institutes of Health notes that the majority of divorces still involve children
Child’s Best Interest Standard In Custody Cases
Family courts in South Carolina must consider a range of factors when approaching child custody cases. When making these decisions, judges generally focus on the “best interest standard”
Factors Judges Consider In Child Custody Cases
According to Demographic Research, parents in the United States are now more likely than ever to achieve shared physical custody of their children after divorce
Legal Rights In Stepparent Adoptions
Stepparents often develop a deep and meaningful connection with their spouses’ children, actively participating in daily parenting tasks and contributing to important decisions regarding the children’s well-being.
Calculating Child Support Payments
When you get divorced, dividing your assets may be the easiest part of the process. Determining custody, visitation
How to Handle Dating During a Child Custody Battle
What Steps to Take to Get Full Custody?
What is Parental Kidnapping?
What To Do If Someone Isn’t Following a Custody Order
South Carolina Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents
Strategies For Retaining Custody Of Children During Divorce
Divorce is a stressful and daunting experience that becomes increasingly complex when the couple has children.