King Law | First Offense DWI in North Carolina

First Offense DWI in North Carolina

If you’ve just been charged with a DWI for the first time in North Carolina, you may be feeling concerned about what to do next or how your life will be affected. Might your license be suspended? Will you face jail time? And what are the next steps you should consider following?

At King Law, we are thoroughly experienced in criminal defense law. We’ve helped many of our clients when they’ve had issues with legal consequences, and we may be able to help you as well. If you’re looking for assistance, allow us to explain everything you should know about your first North Carolina DWI offense.

What Are Potential Consequences for a First Offense DWI in North Carolina?

Depending on the severity of your DWI offense, you may face varying consequences following your charge. These may include some of the following:

  • License suspension
  • Fines
  • Jail time
  • Drug treatment 
  • Probation 

If you’re looking to avoid severe charges, it’s essential to listen closely to law enforcement officers.

What Should I Do After My DWI Charge in North Carolina?

After a DWI charge, there are a few steps you may want to follow. This is the case even if you are only facing your first DWI charge.

Stay Off of Social Media

After you’ve been charged with a DWI, you may want to strongly consider staying off of social media. This is especially necessary because anything you say may be used against you, even if you think anything you say or show doesn’t have anything to do with the details of your case. Therefore, avoid posting pictures, text posts, or comments on social media.

Avoid Discussing Your Case With Others

In addition to staying off of social media, it’s strongly recommended you avoid discussing your case with other people. This is even the case with close friends and family, as anything you say may be used against you.

Contact a First Offense DWI Lawyer

If you’re planning on taking legal action, you may also want to consider hiring a qualified criminal defense attorney. Your lawyer may be able to assist you with a number of aspects of your legal case, including some of the following:

  • Legal knowledge: Your criminal defense lawyer is likely to have extensive knowledge of criminal defense law, putting them in a great position to represent you in your DWI case.
  • Negotiation skills: Attorneys are also well known for their negotiation skills in many circles, and this is likely to be the case with your lawyer as well. Negotiation skills may come in handy when dealing with the details of your case, including finding suitable defenses for your actions.
  • Reducing or dismissing charges: Your North Carolina DWI defense attorney may also be able to aid you in reducing your charges through a thoughtful and effective negotiation. In some circumstances, your lawyer may also be able to eliminate your charges entirely.
  • Privacy: If you’ve ever heard of attorney-client privilege, this is something you may be entitled to receive. Your lawyer may not be required to discuss the details of your case with anyone, meaning you may get a great level of privacy and protection during your legal process.

If you’re planning on taking legal action for your DWI charges, you are highly encouraged to avoid representing yourself. Your first offense DWI attorney is far more likely to represent you favorably and effectively than you are, especially because of their broad legal knowledge and negotiation experience. Because of this, it is strongly recommended you hire a first offense DWI attorney in North Carolina.

Get Great Defense in North Carolina From the First Offense DWI Lawyers at King Law

We at King Law are passionate about criminal law and defense, and we’ve assisted many clients in decreasing the consequences of their charges. Our compassionate and experienced legal team is well-equipped with knowledge and resources, and we’re patiently awaiting your call. If you need answers to your questions or want to disclose the details of your case, you’re in the right place.

If you think we might be able to assist you in decreasing your consequences and aiding you in returning your life to normal, we may be able to help. In order to reach out to us, please call (888) 748-5464 or (888) 748-5464 (KING), or complete our contact form.
