King Law | Probation Violations

Many times, if someone is convicted of a crime, probation is one of the consequences that the person has to face. And, unfortunately, being on probation almost always sets someone up for failure because, if any of the terms and conditions of your probation are violated, you can be charged with a probation violation – whether it’s failure to pay all of the money you owe, being charged with a new crime, absconding, failure to complete community service, or any other requirement that you were supposed to complete but haven’t done so within your allotted amount of time. If you are charged with a probation violation, there are many different outcomes that you could possibly face.

The first possible outcome of a probation violation, and most likely your best case scenario, is termination. Termination results in your probation being terminated with no further consequences or requirements. Perhaps, a Judge may think you have completed enough of your requirements and doesn’t see it as necessary to extend your probation or punish you for only the small amount you still have remaining.

Another possible outcome is to extend probation. The Judge may grant you more time to complete your terms and conditions of probation if there are still things left for you to do or pay. While this may seem like a good option, just remember – the longer you are on probation, the longer you could possibly be charged with a violation. This outcome may end up being what is best for you, but it all depends on your specific situation.

A third possible outcome of a probation violation is what is known as a “dip,” or a short-term jail sentence. This typically includes a short two-three day jail sentence as punishment for the violation.

Another possible outcome is what is known as a CRV, meaning Confinement in Response to Violation, and sometimes referred to as a “dunk.” This can be up to a 90-day jail sentence that you could receive as a result of certain violations. The CRV sentence may or may not count as credit for time served on the underlying conviction, depending on your charge and other factors, so it is important to hire an attorney to make sure you get credit for any time you have to serve as a result of your probation violation.

In many cases, the worst possible outcome is revocation. This may be invoked in cases involving new criminal activity, absconding, or after a certain amount of CRVs have already been served. Revocation means that your probation is revoked and you are required to serve the underlying sentence that was suspended as a result of your original conviction.

As you can see, there are multiple consequences you could be facing when charged with a probation violation. It is important to hire a knowledgeable attorney who knows what would be best for you in your situation and can help you navigate this complicated area of the law.

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Why it’s Nearly Impossible to Win a Probation Violation