Gastonia Criminal Defense Lawyers

The Gastonia, NC criminal defense attorneys at King Law are dedicated to representing those who are facing any type of misdemeanor or felony charges, investigations, or allegations that could negatively impact their life and freedom.

If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Gastonia, NC, speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney that will aggressively advocate for you and assess the options you have moving forward with your case. Whether your charges are minor or serious, a conviction can have serious consequences, including fines, jail time, and impact your criminal record and reputation. We are here to help clients navigate the complex legal system and implement a strategic defense.

When to Contact a Gastonia, NC Criminal Defense Attorney

When you have been charged or if you’re under investigation for a crime, the sooner you speak with a criminal defense lawyer, the better your case will be down the road. It’s important to follow specific guidelines to ensure that you are adequately protected when building a case. Consider following these guidelines when dealing with an impending criminal charge or investigation: 

  • Be respectful and calm when dealing with law enforcement officers
  • Exercise your right to remain silent
  • Ask to speak with a Gastonia criminal defense attorney
  • Speak with a criminal defense lawyer before posting bail

When up against a criminal charge, it is imperative to speak with a skilled criminal defense attorney in Gastonia, NC, to help build a solid defense case and aggressively advocate on your behalf to lessen sentencing and reduce negative consequences due to your arrest or investigation.

Misdemeanor and Felony Criminal Arrests in Gastonia, North Carolina

Both misdemeanors and felonies can be serious and require representation from an experienced criminal defense lawyer. It’s important to understand what consequences you are potentially facing. 

Misdemeanor Criminal Charges in North Carolina 

In North Carolina, there are potentially four types of misdemeanor criminal charges you may face: 

  • Class 3 Misdemeanor: A class 3 misdemeanor is the least serious of the misdemeanor offenses you could potentially be charged in North Carolina. This offense has a maximum penalty of 20 days in jail and a $200 fine. These offenses include marijuana possession, trespassing, and concealment of goods. 
  • Class 2 Misdemeanor: A class 2 misdemeanor has a maximum penalty of 60 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. This offense includes carrying a concealed weapon, resisting arrest, and simple assault. 
  • Class 1 Misdemeanor: A class 1 misdemeanor has a maximum penalty of 120 days in jail and a fine that is up to a judge’s discretion. This offense includes possession of drug paraphernalia, larceny, and property damage. 
  • Class A1 Misdemeanor: A class A1 misdemeanor is the most serious misdemeanor offense you could be charged with. This offense has a maximum of 150 days in jail and a fine that is up to a judge’s discretion. This offense includes assault with a deadly weapon and sexual battery. 

With the help of a skilled Gastonia, NC criminal defense attorney, you can navigate the legal complexities of your case and potentially lessen the penalties depending on your circumstances. Misdemeanors can negatively impact your criminal record as well as waste precious time and money. 

Felony Criminal Charges in North Carolina 

Being charged with a felony offense is more severe than a misdemeanor offense. Not only does the charge have serious penalties, but a felony conviction may also impact your freedom and rights moving forward. This may include the ability to own guns, enlist in the military, and if the conviction is a sexual offense, you may have to be registered as a sex offender in North Carolina. Felony charges may be one of the following: 

  • Class A felony: A class A felony is the most severe offense and can have penalties as severe as the death penalty and life without parole.  
  • Class 1 felony: A class 1 felony may include prison sentencing up to 12 months. 

These felony criminal charges can impact your life for the worst. With the help of a criminal defense lawyer, they may be able to help you navigate the complexities of the legal system to make a substantial difference in your unique case.

Areas of Criminal Law That a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Defend

The experienced criminal defense legal team at King Law has years of experience fighting for clients’ rights and freedom. We offer clients the expertise to potentially minimize the consequences of a criminal charge. We will aggressively defend your unique case so you can save time, money, and freedom. 

The types of criminal law charges and investigations we defend include: 

Speak with an experienced Gastonia criminal defense attorney if you have been arrested or are under investigation for any of the charges mentioned above. We will passionately defend your case and exhaust all resources available to potentially lessen or dismiss your charges.

Speak with an Experienced Gastonia, NC Criminal Defense Attorney at King Law

The King Law legal team is passionate about providing you with the best quality representation for your unique case. We will exhaust all resources available in order to build a strategic case that helps diminish the negative consequences you may be facing. We understand how intimidating facing a legal charge can be. Let us navigate the legal complexities of your criminal charge so that you may potentially save time, money, and freedom. 

The Gastonia, NC criminal defense lawyers at King Law will aggressively advocate for you, even in the most complex legal cases. We are adamant about reducing or eliminating your charges, including potential consequences like fines and jail time. Let us help you move forward; call (888) 748-5464 (KING) or fill out our contact form
