North Carolina Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

Domestic violence is a form of domestic abuse that can be devastating for those involved. This form of abuse occurs between two people in an intimate or close personal relationship. Acts of domestic violence are one of the most underreported crimes that affect victims both psychologically and physically.

There has been a substantial increase of cases in which the number of domestic violence reports have proven to be fabricated, exaggerated, or as a tactic to get revenge on a partner. In cases like these, or for those who are under investigation of alleged domestic abuse, the skilled North Carolina domestic violence defense lawyers at King Law can help navigate the legal complexities of your unique case and help you get the best possible outcome for your future.

What Are the North Carolina Domestic Violence Laws?

There are both civil and criminal domestic violence laws that address the many aspects of the offense in North Carolina. Protection orders can be granted through court, while criminal laws dictate the types of penalties an offender convicted of this type of crime will face. Although the state of North Carolina does not have specific criminal domestic violence laws, the majority of cases are prosecuted through other crimes.

What Is Considered Domestic Violence?

A domestic violence offense is committed in North Carolina when one or more of the following acts occur against someone who has a personal relationship with the offender: 

  • Causing or attempting to cause bodily injury and harm 
  • Putting the victim in situations where they fear severe bodily harm and injury, continued harassment, or cause emotional distress 
  • Committing sexual offenses 
  • Engaging in behavior that torments or terrorizes the victim 

Domestic violence charges can be severe and have a lasting impact on your life, as it lingers on your criminal record if you are convicted. It is imperative that you seek legal guidance and advice from a skilled North Carolina domestic violence defense lawyer for your best chances are reducing sentencing or even possibly dropping the charges altogether.

What Are the Charges Associated with Domestic Violence in North Carolina?

There are no specific North Carolina statutes that reference domestic violence, but a judge may have the option to attach specific terms to the sentence if a crime has been committed in the context of a domestic violence incident. Charges you may be convicted with that are associated with a domestic assault case in North Carolina include: 

  • Simple assault 
  • Assault of a female 
  • Sexual battery 
  • Domestic criminal trespass 
  • Assault in front of a minor 
  • Threatening and stalking 
  • Violation of a domestic protection order

Depending on the details of the incident, criminal prosecution may be a possibility. If you have been accused or arrested for domestic violence, speak with an experienced North Carolina domestic violence defense lawyer for an assessment of your case and to begin building a strategic defense.

Speak with an Experienced North Carolina Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer at King Law 

If you have been arrested or accused of domestic violence in North Carolina, you need the King Law domestic violence legal team to fight for your rights and advocate on your behalf. We understand the importance of a not-guilty verdict because it can make a difference in your future. 

The domestic violence defense lawyers at King Law understand that you are innocent until you are proven guilty, and we advocate ardently on your behalf. It is essential that you get the help of a skilled attorney that can work to diligently defend you so that you may have a successful outcome for your case. Call (888) 748-5464 or fill out our contact form for a thorough assessment of your domestic violence case.
