Shelby Drug Crimes Lawyer

If you are facing a drug crime, chances are you’re familiar with Shelby’s Vice/Narcotics Unit. The purpose of this unit is to stop all parts of drug trade within Shelby by identifying street level dealers as well as the larger dealers that supply street level dealers. According to the unit, the most common drugs found in Shelby are marijuana, prescription medicine, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Drug crimes are not uncommon. Annually across the United States, 1.16 million people are arrested for drug crimes.

You are not alone when facing a drug crime case. It’s crucial that you have a legal professional on your side, and that’s where King Law can help. We understand facing the criminal justice system can be a stressful and intimidating process. We have the expertise you need for an aggressive defense to possibly avoid or reduce the criminal penalties you are facing. At King Law, you can be sure that you are getting the best defense possible for your unique situation when facing drug crimes.

Information about Drug Schedules and Crimes

The drug crime with which you have been charged is based on its associate “schedule.” There are six different classifications of drugs, which are based on the likelihood of drug abuse and dependency as opposed to their medical value. Schedule I drugs are highly likely to be abused and are not viewed as acceptable medical treatments. Conversely, Schedule six drugs are much less likely to be abused and may have acceptable medical value.

State drug schedules mirror federal drug schedules. Moreover, individual states have individual laws regarding drug possession, use, distribution, or manufacturing. Drug crimes include arrest for having the illegal drug or drug paraphernalia. The level of penalty is based on the crime, where Schedule I drug crimes have higher penalties than Schedule V crimes. This is because of the difference in the schedules and severity of risk of dependency and misuse.

Understanding Drug Crime Punishments in Shelby, North Carolina

For a first-time drug crime offense, the minimum prison sentence can range from 1 to 10 years. You may also face fines, which could be $500 to $5,000. Repeat offenders can receive a prison sentence of 3 to 15 years. General punishments for drug crimes are based on several factors, such as:

  • The quantity of the drug
  • The schedule (classification) of the drug
  • The purpose of the drug possession

The most serious drug crimes include manufacturing, producing, and selling. If your drug crime is the intent to distribute drugs, you could be facing more serious possession charges. In some cases, intent to distribute can be proven by the drug quantity, leading to felony charges. Smaller quantities, however, may be viewed as a misdemeanor, which could lead to probation or a fine with little/no jail time.

In some states, such as North Carolina, there are enhanced punishments for drug crimes, which may result in more severe charges and penalties. These are more likely to come into play if:

  • Drug distribution or sale was to minors
  • Drug distribution was done by minors
  • Drug distribution or sale was conducted near a protected area, like a school zone
  • You have more than one drug offense

While the enhanced punishment could lead to more probation or jail time and fines, there is also the possibility that alternative sentencing measures be used, such as drug rehabilitation programs or community service. In other cases, if you are convicted of a drug crime, you may have to forfeit your property, such as your home, especially if it was used for drug manufacturing or distribution. In worst case scenarios, serious drug crime convictions can have lifelong impacts, such as losing custody of a child, license, job, or ability to travel freely.

How Can the Shelby Drug Crimes Attorneys at King Law Help You?

We know that an arrest for a drug crime can be a frightening endeavor. We also know that you may be confused about what happens next. Fortunately, the experienced drug crime lawyers at King Law may be able to help you argue for less harsh penalties, such as a potentially reduced sentence and/or fines. We may be able to provide information about counseling, substance abuse assessments, as well as outpatient and inpatient treatment options.

It’s crucial to secure the help of a serious and experienced drug crime attorney for presenting strong arguments to potentially help you receive a reduced sentence. Because King Law is a small law firm, our experienced drug crimes lawyers can give you more personalized attention and act more aggressively on your behalf to potentially limit the consequences if you are convicted of a drug crime.

Contact the Knowledgeable Shelby Drug Crime Lawyers at King Law Today

Our commitment  is to take care of and build a relationship with you. Part of our efforts involve earning your trust and showing you that we will handle your case with confidentiality and professionalism. As a part of building trust, we will always tell you the truth, work hard, and do what we can to get the best possible results for you. To see what we can do for you, call (888) 748-5464 or (888) 748-KING or contact us using our contact form.
