In Tennessee, a restraining order, also known as an order of protection, is legal documentation that is issued by a court to protect individuals from harassment, domestic abuse, stalking, and many other forms of violence.
General Legal Topics
Getting Married in Tennessee
There are three universal, overarching requirements for a marriage to be valid. They are: (1) the legal capacity to marry; (2) existence of a present agreement to be married; and (3) satisfaction of the formal requirements. However, there is some variation between states on who has the legal capacity to get married as well as what exactly the formal requirements of a valid marriage are.
Navigating Surrogacy in Tennessee: Understanding Traditional vs. Gestational Surrogacy and Legal Best Practices
Surrogacy is an increasingly popular option for individuals and couples looking to build their families. However, it is essential to understand the distinct types of surrogacy: traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. Each has its own set of legal, emotional, and medical considerations.
Modification of Custody Orders in Tennessee
When big changes impact your custody arrangement, making a modification could be the best course of action. However, navigating the process for modification can be daunting, and an experienced family lawyer can help.In Tennessee, parents can agree to modification or petition the court for it.
Family First: A Guide to Relative Caregiver Services in Tennessee
Kinship foster care is when a child is placed in the home of a relative due to their parent or guardian’s inability to care for the child. In Tennessee, kinship foster care occurs when the Department of Children’s Services (“DCS”) places a child in the home of another caregiver or another adult with a significant relationship to the child.
How to Change Your Child’s Last Name and Amend Their Tennessee Birth Certificate
As the parent or guardian of a child, there are several reasons why you may want to change your child’s last name, also known as the surname.
Sometimes people face serious danger that requires legal intervention immediately. Normally, a lawsuit or other court intervention requires following strict procedural rules and can take months or even years to provide a legal remedy.