King Law | What Happens When My License is Suspended
King Law | What Happens When My License is Suspended

A driver’s license suspension can disrupt your entire life. You may have trouble getting to work, picking up your children, and completing errands. You suddenly realize that you’ve taken the privilege of driving for granted, and you want to make sure you get your license back as quickly as possible and keep it for good.

In North Carolina, there are many ways a driver’s license can become suspended. A suspension is a temporary withdrawal of your driving privileges. A revocation, on the other hand, is a permanent termination of your right to drive, which can only be reinstated after complying with certain conditions.

How License Suspensions Happen in North Carolina

There are many ways to get your license suspended in North Carolina. Some common ways that suspensions occur include:

  • An automatic one-year suspension for a DWI suspension
  • An indefinite suspension for failing to appear at a hearing or failing to pay a fine
  • A 30-day suspension for going over 55 mph and exceeding the speed limit by more than 15 mph
  • A 60-day suspension for accumulating 12 points on your license in a three-year period

In addition to interfering with your life, a license suspension also comes with financial consequences. Once you have served the period of your suspension, you will not automatically get your license back until you pay all fines. You’ll also have to pay a reinstatement fee, a restoration fee, and possibly a service fee.

How to Handle a Driver’s License Suspension in North Carolina

Be careful about agreeing to pay for traffic tickets if you may have a defense because paying the fine involves admitting your guilt. If you plead guilty to driving 81 mph in a 65 mph zone, you just agreed to have your license suspended for 30 days.

Once your license is suspended, do not drive! Driving while your license is suspended or revoked will result in additional fines and an even longer term of suspension. You can even have your license permanently revoked if you are caught repeatedly driving without a license.

Consult with an attorney to determine the best way to handle your case. In some situations, you may be able to get your license back by paying the required fines. Your attorney can also determine whether you may be eligible for limited driving privileges while your license is suspended.

North Carolina law allows for limited driving privileges for suspensions related to certain types of traffic violations. Generally, you must have no previous license suspensions and your offense must not be related to driving while impaired.

Limited driving privileges can only be received by filing a petition in court. These privileges are only given for certain specific purposes, such as driving to work or school or driving for household maintenance. There will typically be both geographic boundaries and specific time periods that you are allowed to drive, so make sure you fully understand these restrictions.

Consult With an Experienced Traffic and DWI Attorney

Each license suspension is unique, depending on your previous record and the type of offense or offenses you have committed. If you aren’t sure if you should fight your traffic ticket or apply for limited driving privileges, consult with a North Carolina traffic and DWI attorney as soon as possible to discuss your case. You may have a limited time to request a hearing or present your defenses.

King Law Offices is a full-service law firm with an outstanding team of professionals who work diligently, creatively and compassionately on behalf of our clients each day.  We serve the Upstate of South Carolina and Western North Carolina.  Call 888-748-KING (5464) today for a consultation.

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