King Law | Getting a Divorce in South Carolina
Getting a Divorce in South Carolina

Here at King Law, we understand that life does not always go as planned – including marriages. There are situations in which divorce is the best option for the parties and King Law is here to offer non-judgmental help in family matters such as divorce. Our attorneys will do their best to help you make this process as stress-free as possible while protecting your rights.

Getting married is a fairly simple process, however, divorce is not. Below we have provided some basic information about getting a divorce in South Carolina to help you better understand this process. This information includes grounds for divorce as well as a breakdown of the legal process of getting a divorce.

In the State of South Carolina, there are five grounds for divorce:

1. Adultery.
2. Habitual drunkenness.
3. Physical cruelty.
4. Abandonment.
5. No fault (where the spouses must live separate and apart for at least one year).

To start a divorce case, one spouse, either by themselves or through an attorney, files a Summons and Complaint which states the grounds on which he or she wishes to be divorced. This Summons and Complaint may also state how they wish to divide the marital assets, marital debts, child custody, and support if applicable. The other spouse will then be served a certified copy of the Summons and Complaint; at which point the spouse, or their attorney will have 30 days to file an answer. There will then be a final hearing that is to determine whether the requirements for divorce on the grounds requested have been met. Of course, cases are often not this simple and require other actions, which is why many people opt to retain an attorney to help them through this process.

Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process which is why we have experienced family lawyers who have handled lots of divorce cases during their careers. If you are considering a divorce, or any other legal issue, and are unsure of your next steps, feel free to contact us here at King Law at 888-748-5464 (KING). We have offices located across western North Carolina and upstate South Carolina.

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