King Law | Elder Law

Elder Law

King Law wants to help you preserve your estate and keep your options open.
Do you have concerns about:
  • Running out of money if you (or your spouse) become ill and require significant care
  • Having no control over who provides care for you if you need it
  • Choosing the type of care you want and where you want to receive it
  • Leaving an inheritance to your loved ones, only to have it taken by their creditors
  • Your children misusing the property or money you leave to them
  • Providing support to a loved one with a disability both during your lifetime and after your passing
  • Making sure your wishes about care and your finances are carried out

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, King Law can help. A long-term care asset protection plan is not a one-size-fits-all set of documents. Each plan is designed based on your concerns, your desires, and your goals.

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King Law|Elder Law
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