King Law | What You Should Know About Spousal Spying
What You Should Know About Spousal Spying

What You Should Know About Spousal Spying

Spousal spying can take many forms. It may involve glancing over your spouse’s shoulder while they are sending a text message or putting hidden cameras in your home. Whether you are spying or being spied on, there are several things you should know about spousal spying, particularly in the context of a divorce case.

Why Spouses Spy

A spouse may just be curious about who you’re talking to, how you are spending your money, or other private details of your life. Spousal spying can also have a more direct motive—such as gathering evidence that could be used against you in a divorce.

For example, evidence that you’ve had an affair could have serious consequences in a North Carolina divorce case, especially when it comes to an alimony award. Your spouse may also want to find out if you have secret bank accounts or if you are using marital funds for expenses that your partner doesn’t know about.

What If You’re Being Spied On?

If you believe that your spouse is spying, there are many courses of action you could take. You could confront them and ask what they’re looking for. You could admit to any wrongdoing and attempt to repair your relationship by seeking marital counseling.

In other cases, you may want to get legal advice. If you are worried about a potential divorce or separation, a divorce attorney can help you determine your best course of action. 

Legal Consequences of Spying

If you’re thinking about spying on your spouse, tread carefully. Some forms of spying may violate criminal laws, such as the Federal Wire Tapping Act. Consult an attorney before you risk breaking the law to spy on your spouse.

Your spouse could also file a civil lawsuit seeking damage if you’ve invaded their privacy by tapping their phone or recording them without their knowledge or consent.

If you suspect your spouse is having an affair or hiding assets, talk to a divorce attorney about how to proceed. Make sure that you don’t violate any laws when seeking evidence of cheating or financial abuse.

Contact a North Carolina divorce attorney to discuss your options if you are having marital problems or considering a divorce.

At King Law Offices, we understand the challenges involved in any family law matter. Our goal is to help guide you through this process and listen to your concerns. Come visit us at one of our multiple office locations throughout North and South Carolina.

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