King Law | Press Release: NC Judicial Branch Responds to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
man holding white sheet of paper

The Supreme Court of North Carolina has issued an Emergency Directive that all cases shall be rescheduled for a date no sooner than 30 days from Monday.

The individual courts will have discretion as to individual cases, emergencies and otherwise. We are in close contact with our local judges on these matters, and will update everyone through Facebook on general information, and will email our clients individually as we learn more.

We are determined to continue our quality representation during these times. Life does not stop because of a crisis, and we will continue to be in our offices working for you.

I plan to personally do a live discussion at 2:00 p.m. today on our Facebook page. Please tune in for further updates. The language of the Supreme Court order can be found here.

Thank you for allowing our firm to represent you and your family. Please be safe during this time.

Brian King, Managing Partner


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